Frequently Asked questions

1/ Click on “Contact Us” from the login page

2/ Look for the contact details under your country

3/ Give us a call or email us

The system will LOCK the account after 4 incorrect attempts. Please click on forgot password and select one of the following methods:

1/ by email address

2/ by secret question

For any assistance, please call NEXtCARE-HELPDESK

Please contact the number mentioned on the member's card to verify that you are entering the correct data, or to check if the patient’s card has expired.

Yes, you can ask the claims center to make the necessary modification to the claim within 7 days by following the below steps:

1/ Access the claim details screen (by double clicking on patient name)

2/ Go to the attached documents

3/ Click on select to upload a file (medical report,…) or write a note in the note section

4/ Click on Post Note

Yes, you can upload documents preferably before sending the registration by following the below steps:

1/ Access the claim details screen (by double clicking on patient name)

2/ Go to the service item/attachments

3/ Click on attachments, then select files to upload a file (medical report,…) and write a note in the note section

4/ Click on Post Note

Try to find the physician by his LOP number or call NEXtCARE Helpdesk for assistance

Select the assessment that reflects the patient’s case then go to the attached document and mention in the note section the accurate diagnosis.

Please enter the test/procedure name in the notes at the level of the attached documents and mention its estimation cost.

1/ Click on Claims Query

2/ Fill service date from … to

3/ All authorizations and information will be displayed

4/ To print the “bordereau” click on export data to file and print the excel sheet that will appear

1/ Click on Show Data or Show All

2/ Double Click on patient name

3/ Click on Print Authorization form or by selecting the authorization form in the attached documents

1/ Double Click on the patient name

2/ Click on void and fill the reason

3/ The authorization will be turned automatically to not used

1/ Click on Register New User

2/ Fill all the mandatory information and click on Register

3/ The new registration will be activated by our Helpdesk team

1/ Click on Claims Query

2/ Go to Basic Search or Advanced Search sections

3/ Fill in the fields Service Date From… to or payment date from… to

4/ Click on execute query